3 November 2021
Ecole de physique
Europe/Zurich timezone

Priming PCA with EigenGame

3 Nov 2021, 16:13
Ecole de physique

Ecole de physique


Bálint Máté (UNIGE)


We introduce primed-PCA (pPCA), an extension of the recently proposed EigenGame algorithm for computing principal components in a large-scale setup. Our algorithm first runs EigenGame to get an approximation of the principal com- ponents, and then applies an exact PCA in the subspace they span. Since this subspace is of small dimension in any practical use of EigenGame, this second step is extremely cheap computationally. Nonetheless, it improves accuracy significantly for a given computational budget across datasets. In this setup, the purpose of EigenGame is to narrow down the search space, and prepare the data for the second step, an exact calculation.

Primary authors

Bálint Máté (UNIGE) François Fleuret (University of Geneva)

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