3 November 2021
Ecole de physique
Europe/Zurich timezone

Neural networks for electron identification with DAMPE

3 Nov 2021, 16:05
Ecole de physique

Ecole de physique


David Droz (University of Geneva)


The past decades have witnessed the deployment of a new generation of cosmic ray (CR) observatories with unprecedented sensitivity and complexity, pushing towards ever-higher energies. To face the challenges of the multi-TeV domain, such instruments must be accompanied by equally powerful analysis techniques, able to exploit the wealth of available information. The machine learning tool set may provide the needed techniques. I present a neural network optimised for the identification of multi-TeV electrons on DAMPE, a calorimetric spaceborne CR observatory with among other objectives the measurement of cosmic electrons up to 10 TeV. This constitutes a particularly challenging endeavour due to both the soft electron spectrum and the large proton background. The developed neural network significantly outperforms the more traditional cut-based approach, achieving a much lower proton contamination in the multi-TeV domain with a high signal efficiency, and retains its accuracy when transposed from Monte Carlo to real data.

Primary author

David Droz (University of Geneva)


Prof. Xin Wu (University of Geneva)

Presentation Materials